Sunday, January 2, 2011

Life Is Beautiful


As I sit here, looking through messages, notifications, new posts, new blogs.....sipping on my Starbucks extra bold....conversations from yesterday are running through my head.  2010 seems to have been a terrible year for everyone, especially for those closest to me.  I don't think I know anyone who isn't extremely happy to see the end of 2010, including myself.  Terrible things have happened, people have been lost, lives have been turned upside down...perhaps beyond recovery...and it feels to me as if there is a blanket of grief and anger covering everything and everyone I see.  I feel the hardness and uncaring attitude seep into my bones when I step out for that Monday morning commute every week.  The news tells me of every inhuman act committed during the night, people drive like morons and blame me for it, drama unfolds at work, and for the last two weeks on the job I've had to wipe green snot.

Gross.   >.<

Frankly, I'm sick of it all.   I truly believe there is good left out there, I've been the recipient of it, I try to give it back.  I think the media has us so willing to believe that there is nothing left of our humanity that we jump headfirst into things like road rage, screaming matches, and just generally treating people like crap.  Why?  Because of fear.  We fear that the person next to us in line is waiting to rob the store, that when we want to take a stroll through the city there is a rapist lying in wait around every corner...and on, and on, and on......

So I have set myself a new project, mostly for remind me of how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful world...and hopefully for you too. I'm going to post something amazing that I found, and I will try to do it every day.  Because we DO live in a beautiful world, it's all around us.  People help each other all the time, but that doesn't make the news.  Everyone needs reminders of the beauty around them sometimes, probably me more than most!

We are all One....


  1. This is amazing truth Sri. You are rich :)

    I know because I am rich in love from my friends, my family, and because I am alive!

  2. Your post was inspiring, powerful, and just what I needed today. Thank you, truly. Now I have at least one thing for my gratitude list, no more; I can read, which enables me to read your blog, I am doing it in a warm place where obviously I have a computer with an internet connection. Despite my head injury, I can still type, sit up, read, and comprehend, most of what I read. The memory, well, that's still a work in progress, but I could be so much worse off. Again, thank you.
